Preventive Measures for Cold Stress in Dairy Cows
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Preventive Measures for Cold Stress in Dairy Cows

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Preventive Measures for Cold Stress in Dairy Cows

What Harm does Cold Stress do to Cows? What should be Done to Avoid it?

1. Do a good job of cow house management

(1) Check the cowshed, plug up the holes and air leaks, and close the doors and Windows with transparent plastic film.

(2) Clean the feces and urine in the feeding channel and bed in time every day.

(3) Check drinking water facilities to ensure adequate and fresh drinking water is available 24 hours a day, and the temperature of drinking water is maintained at 9 ~ 15℃.

(4) Arrange bed in time and change bed bedding material.

(5) In the heat preservation but also do a good job of ventilation, to ensure that the barn harmful gas does not exceed the standard.

2. Timely clean up the feces and urine in the milk hall, milking channel and the entrance and exit of the cattle barn. Lay rubber pads or sand pads in these places to increase friction and prevent cattle from slipping and injuring themselves.

3. Strengthen ventilation and heat preservation of cattle sheds; Maintain milking equipment to avoid excessive milking. Develop winter milking procedures and choose antifreeze medicated bath after medicated bath.

4. TMR management

(1) Feed TMR on the spot to prevent icing, and do not feed frozen, moldy and deteriorated feed.

(2) Improve the energy level of concentrate feed, which is generally 10% ~ 15% higher than the normal feeding standard, in order to meet the needs of cows to keep out the cold in winter.

5. Calf management

(1) Newborn calves should be dried in time and fed in a single stall with 20-30cm thick bedding grass, with heating facilities if conditions permit.

(2) Strengthen the ventilation of the calf house, increase the thermal insulation facilities, regular disinfection, timely replacement of bedding material, and maintain good environmental hygiene.

(3) Weaned calves should be kept at a reasonable feeding density and provided with adequate fresh warm water and high-quality forage and pellets.

   Office: No. 583 Zhongshan East Road, Shijiazhuang 050000, Hebei, China
  Factory: Haixing Economic Development Zone, Hebei, China



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